Circular fashion is an alternative to our current linear fashion model, where we buy, use, and then throw away.

A circular model has as its main objective eventually eliminating the waste by introducing recycled clothing and encouraging the purchase of vintage and second-hand clothing. It essentially is an ethical fashion system that is eco-friendly. Here are a few reasons why we have not fully adopted circular fashion yet.


Even though people are more aware of the issues of a linear fashion model now than a few years ago, it still has a long way to go. The majority of younger generations are still not fully educated in sustainability matters and the concern for it is even lower among older generations. The lack of transparency and greenwashing make it hard even for the people educated on the subject, to differentiate between ethical companies and encourage sustainable fashion, as well.


Changing from a linear to a circular model implies a drastic change in the business model, especially for fast fashion companies, from the collection of material to finding new ways to reduce and eliminate waste. The government plays a vital role in incentivising these changes by setting standards. Until that happens, change is going to happen at a slow pace.


Big part of circular economy is being able to reutilise the materials once the garment’s longevity is finished, and the scale needed for these processes to be done for the entire industry are still a while away from being in place. Though more companies have been making progress with it.

To learn more about circular fashion, visit us next week. Until then, keep safe and keep saving the planet.

The Borw Team