Have you ever considered the current situation of the fashion industry and its environmental impact? Is this a reversible situation? How can the habit of “owning” luxury fashion brands change in order for sustainable fashion to be supported?

Like all other industrial activities, the fashion industry has many negative effects on the environment. The production and distribution of crops, fibers, and garments used in fashion all contribute to different forms of environmental pollution, including water, air, and soil pollution. Several of the causes that contribute to this industrial cause of pollution is the need to produce large quantities of these items for the fashion industry, the use of synthetic fibers, and agricultural pollution of fashion crops.

Every year, the world as a whole consumes more than 80 billion clothing items, which actually contribute to the pollution of resources and waste as a result of the fact that most of these fashion items will be thrown out one day. So, on the one hand, we can see people who want to buy more clothing than they need, and, of course, they want to buy them at a cheaper price. On the other hand, we see companies that, given the huge demand and the potentially high profits they will gain, want the production of these fashion items to be as quick as possible. This creates a trend called ‘fast fashion.’ Fast fashion is ‘an approach to fashion design, creation, and marketing that emphasises making fashion trends quickly.

Nowadays, as sustainable fashion emerges, more and more companies are trying to promote new ways of sustainable living. This includes the reduction in the purchase of new clothes, shoes or accessories, and the increase in either the renting of fashion items or the purchase of second-hand clothing.

The Borw Team